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Biographical entry Dobbie, Michael



Michael has been the Centre Manager for NCIG since mid 2014. Over the last 9 years, Michael has led national scientific programs gaining broad experience in the management of scientific business, biomedical research project design, Federal government agreements, funding and policy.


Michael draws upon an extensive network of scientific and governmental partners and colleagues, to enable and govern collaborations on a national scale.

Michael is also the CEO the Australian Phenomics Network, a capability funded by the Australian Government's National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy. The network provides services to support the discovery of genetic causes of disease, through the creation, characterisation and curation of new models of human disease.

Prior to his scientific business management endeavours, Michael was a biomedical researcher with a PhD in neurochemistry from the University of London. Over 25 years Michael has contributed to original research in fields including genetics, vascular biology, cancer angiogenesis, neuroscience, metabolism, developmental biology, malaria, and oxidative stress.