Be careful how you look at the photographs on this website. You might see family who have passed away.
Place Mona Mona
Mona Mona Aboriginal Mission was established in 1913 by the Seventh-day Adventists on the banks of Flaggy Creek near Kuranda in Far North Queensland, Australia. Large numbers of Djabuganjdji people were forcibly taken to the mission. Children from the mission aged 6 and up were removed from their families and placed into single sex dormitories. They remained in the dormitory until they married. Meanwhile the boys were trained in farming and saw-milling. A boys' dormitory is thought to have been erected in the 1930s and one for boys under ten years old was in operation in the 1950s. A senior girls' dormitory was completed in 1951 and still in use in 1955. The use of the dormitory system was then slowly phased out by the government and the last dormitory closed on 31 December 1962. The mission was closed in 1962 because the government had decided to flood Flaggy Creek and build a dam. Again, the inhabitants were forcibly moved, to other missions such as Palm Island and Woorabinda. However, the government did not follow through on its decision to build the dam and people have since moved back to Mona Mona and built houses.