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Biographical entry Jose, David G.
- Occupation
- Research scientist
Dr David Jose was a Senior Research Fellow at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research. In 1967, he collected blood samples from children at Cherbourg and Yarrabah as part of a child health survey. Portions of these samples were forwarded to Bob Kirk for serum protein and red cell enzyme testing, as were samples from many other locations throughout Queensland, during 1969. Kirk shared the results of these tests with Jose, as well as samples from his collection.
Related entries
Archival resources
National Centre for Indigenous Genomics
- Correspondence, 1969, 02D-37; National Centre for Indigenous Genomics. Details
Published resources
Online Resources
- Ford, G. W., Jakeman, M., Jose, D. G., Vorbach, E. a., Kirke, D. K., Migration inhibitory factor production by lymphoid cells of Australian Aboriginal children with moderate protein-calorie malnutrition., Australian Paediatric Journal, vol. 11, 1975, 160-164 pp, Details
- Ford, G.W., Belbin, R., Jose, D.G., Vorbach, E.A., Kirke, D.K., Growth and Immune Function in Aboriginal Children during Recovery from Malnutrition and Infection, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 1976, 321-328 pp, Details
- Jose, D. G., Welch J. S., Growth Retardation, Anemia and Infection, with Malabsorption and Infestation of the Bowel. The Syndrome of Protein-Calorie Malnutrition in Australian Aboriginal Children, Medical Journal of Australia, 1970, 349-356 pp, Details
- Jose, D.G,. Good, R.A., Stutman, O., Long Term Effects on Immune Function of Early Nutritional Deprivation, Nature, 1973, 57-58 pp, Details
- Jose, D.G., Immunobiology of childhood diseases., Australian Paediatric Journal, vol. 10, 1974, 113-124 pp, Details
- Jose, D.G., Barry, H., Glodblatt, E., Penfold, J. and Welch, J.S., Heart-Reactive Antibody, Serum Enzymes and Isoenzymes in the Diagnosis of Acute Rheumatic Fever, Australian Ann. Med., 1970, 215-219 pp, Details
- Jose, D.G., Shelton, M., Tauro, G.P., Belbin, R., Hosking, C. S., Deficiency of Immunological and Phagocytic Function in Aboriginal Children with Protein-Calorie Malnutrition, Medical Journal of Australia, 195?, 699-5 pp, Details
- Jose, D.G.; Self, M.H.R. and Stallman, D., A Survey of Children and Adolescents on Queensland Aboriginal Settlements, 1967, Australian Paediatric Journal, 1969, 71-88 pp, Details
- Jose, David G., Ford, Geoffrey W., Welch, John S., Therapy with Parent's Lymphocyte Transfer Factor in Children with Infection and Malnutrition, The Lancet, 1976, 263-266 pp, Details
- Jose, David G., Good, Robert A., Immune Resistance and Malnutrition, The Lancet, vol. 299, 5/2/1972, 1970, 314 pp, Details
- Kirk, R. L., Blake, N. M., Cooke, D. R., & Jose, D. G., The distribution of some serum protein and enzyme groups among Aboriginal populations in Queensland, Human Biology in Oceania, vol. 1, 1972, 207-214 pp, Details