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Archival Resources Details Genealogies

File Title
National Centre for Indigenous Genomics
Date Range

This file contains: genealogies of named individuals from Maryvale; genealogies of named individuals from Areyonga, including handdrawn family tree with names; genealogies of named individuals from Maryvale;
genealogies of named individuals from Bathurst Island.; genealogy of one particular named individual from Bamyili; genealogies of named individuals from Victoria River Downs; genealogies of named individuals from Mainoru; genealogies of named individuals from Maningrida and a hand drawn family tree ('obsolete'); genealogies of named individuals from Victoria River Downs, including a hand drawn family tree; genealogies of named individuals from Robinson River; genealogies of named individuals from Amoonguna; and genealogies of named individuals from Hermannsburg.
The file also contains a hand drawn family tree and a handwritten note regarding the genealogy of a particular individual from Groote Eylandt.
Genealogy of one particular named individual from Bathurst Island, including a hand drawn family tree. Information from Welfare and from field check and from Fathers Fallon and Cosgrove of Bathurst Island Mission (14/7/1969).
Genealogy of one particular named individual from Roper River Mission, including a hand drawn family tree. Information from field check (17/7/1969)

Detailed genealogy of one particular named individual from Areyonga. Information from field check Hermannsburg (11/8/1969) (hand written).
Genealogy of one particular named individual from Aileron. Information from Welfare Alice Springs and from Welfare Darwin. (type written)
Genealogy of one particular named individual from Yuendumu. Information from Welfare (type written).

Original copy
78 pages
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