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Archival Resources Details Printed Material

File Title
Printed Material
National Centre for Indigenous Genomics
PUB 61-70
Date Range
1969 - 1982

This file contains 5 journal articles published in the 1970s in which studies were conducted with Aboriginal children in Queensland. There is a report entitiled, 'Complement Component C4 Allotypes in Oceania' by P. Ranford, J. Hay and S. Serjeantson. There is a reprint from 'Occasional Papers in Human Biology' of N.M. Blake's paper, 'Genetic Variation of red cell enzyme systems in Australian Aboriginal populations. There is a copy of a book chapter written by R.L. Kirk, Microevolution and Migration in the Pacific; and a reprint of R.L. Kirk's article, Genetic Studies of Cape York Populations. There is also a reprint of R.T. Simmons and D.R. Cooke's paper, 'Population Genetic Studies in Australian Aborigines of the Northern Territory.

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